Should College Athletes be Paid?


College athletes gain a beneficial integration into the university and college experience. This provides the college athletes with an opportunity to socialize, improve self-esteem, develop confidence, and cultivate active and healthy lifestyle. Participation in athletics will allow the participants to obtain mentorship and gain experiences that can help transform them into responsible and economically productive young adults. Therefore, educational institutions serve as the platforms that help their students develop their talents for a stable financial future. Students should not focus on the financial benefits of athletics because they compete with other students in the name of their learning organizations. College athletes do not engage in sporting activities independent from their scholastic institutions. The other stakeholders of the campus will also benefit from the competitive sports by watching the sports developing a sense of pride and loyalty toward their educational institution. This paper considers the reasons why college athletes should not receive remunerations.

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College athletes pursue their academic success and attend courses within the campus. Paying the college athletes will encourage them discontinue their studies and make athletics the full-time economic activity. College athletes should achieve their academic goals before they engage themselves in athletics as full-time requited activity. The most significant advantage of the intercollegiate athletics is the financial benefits to the institutions in which the sportspersons belong. Intercollegiate athletics will generate money in order to fund the construction of new facilities, such as libraries, laboratories, and dormitories. The money generated can also fund research opportunities, recruitment of initiatives, and professor salaries. Recruitment of initiatives will attract many students to the learning institutions in which the competitive athletes belong.

Learning institutions will utilize the money that the intercollegiate athletes generate to ensure that the college sportsmen learn comfortably until they accomplish their academic goals. The college athletes should acquire enough knowledge and skills concerning life after school. For instance, learned individuals can be able to manage their financial resources and time, as well understand how to remain healthy by avoiding the situations that may cause physical and mental ill health. Universities should grant scholarships to the college athletes upon becoming winners during the competitive athletics. The scholarships will cover tuition, textbooks, and accommodation fees to encourage the college athletes accomplish their educational goals. Some college competitors obtain scholarships covering a portion of the expenses that they incur within the campus. The learning institutions provide almost everything for their athletes to ensure that they gain many advantages over other college students.

Another valid reason why college athletes should not earn salaries is to prevent the occurrence of a disparity between small and large athletic teams. Therefore, large educational establishments that earn substantial revenue from the intercollegiate athletics will be able to buy the best athletes for their teams, thereby putting other learning institutions at a significant disadvantage. If different schools start paying intercollegiate athletes, it will be unfair to other students who work extra hard to make ends meet. It is unfair to pay the intercollegiate athletes additional money upon awarding them scholarship money. The aim of intercollegiate athletics and other sports should not be the generation of money because of a number of negative consequences that the money may cause. The main focus of intercollegiate athletes and participants of other sporting activities should be a passion for the sports, as well as improvement of the talents for future benefits. Students continue to discover their talents during the sporting activities. Therefore, successful students will venture into athletics upon completion of their studies.

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Many college athletes argue that their learning institutions should pay them extra money apart from the finances in the form of scholarships. They claim that the extra money will help them overcome various inconveniences. For instance, the college athletes prefer to live the same life like that of the other athletes, who have been in the field for many years. People should benefit from their talents both economically and socially. Some students are involved in part-time employment as they continue their studies. Most of the jobs that individuals acquire before completing their undergraduate studies are low-paid. Therefore, the college athletes desire earning money as their counterparts who have already ventured into athletics as the primary source of income. The students fail to understand that they are part of the learning institution. The institutions must also benefit from athletics and other sporting activities. The students use their educational establishments as a platform to improve their talents, thereby increasing the chances of becoming successful athletes in the near future.


In conclusion, learning institutions should not pay college athletes money even if they become successful competitors. The learning institutions should ensure that students interested in sport continue their studies until they graduate successfully. Earning money will make the college athletes discontinue their studies and devote their time exclusively to athletics. In fact, attractive remunerations will divert them from learning process. Athletes may fail to manage their resources effectively when they discontinue their studies. Therefore, institutions should convert the benefits into scholarships, which will further the studies of college athletes. Learning institutions will also benefit from the money that the intercollegiate athletics generate. Educational institutions should get the benefits because they sponsor the students’ activities. Moreover, the students participate under the name of their school. It is evident that the learning institutions serve as foundation that helps students to discover and improve their talents. The undergraduates will attain a stable financial future when they reveal and employ talents that their learning institutions have nurtured.