Cultural Difference between Males and Females

What are the Differences in Perception of Men and Women in Each Culture?

In the Hindu social and ethical texts, women are more hierarchically inferior to their male counterparts. The laws of Manu depict women as subservient to their male counterparts. In this culture, men govern women. In other contexts, women are prohibited from hearing Vedas, engaging in some crucial rituals and holding positions in religious leadership. Hence, in the classical Hindu culture, women are inferior beings, relegated to the levels of Shudras, regardless of their affiliation (Lipner, 2012). Men, on the other hand, have the responsibility of taking care of their parents, as well as leadership positions in the society. The qualities admired most in the Hindu women is the modesty of manner and self-enhancement. In the company of strangers, a Hindu woman will keep modestly in the background and will not freely participate in conversations.

The Mexican culture is like the Latin American culture, where men are expected to have an intense strain of masculinity. Men are more authoritarian, aggressive and promiscuous. On the other hand, women have a tendency to be more submissive, dependent and maternal. Women in the traditional Mexican culture rarely worked outside the home and only informally in the farms (Huntington, 1993). Women are supposed to cook, clean and have children depending on their husbands’ desires. Men support their families economically, while setting the rules in the house, as well.

List Two Social Customs of Each Culture

Music and literature are essential elements in the Mexican culture. The Mexican music combines traditional elements with the colonial influences, continuously shaped by the modern influences. Secondly, Mexico is a patriarchal society, where the extended family takes the center stage. The traditional male role is the head of the family, while the female role is the caregiver in the home. In the Hindu culture, they exercise respect for their elders. The respect for elders is the cornerstone of the Hindu culture (Lipner, 2012). The Indians genuinely acknowledge the superiority. The name protocol is one of the social customs. The younger ones never call their elders by the use of their proper names. In the Tamil tradition, the younger brother refers to his elder brothers as Annan or Periannan.

How do they Differ from your Culture?

The Mexican and Hindu cultures differ from the American culture to a considerabl e degree. The American culture has a strong influence from the British colonization (Huntington, 1993). The American culture is a blend of many cultures, as the society comprises of representatives of various communities from all over the world. The Americans pay more attention to their careers and professions, rather than families, unlike representatives of the Mexican and Hindu cultures, who value the concept of family. In most of the Mexican and Hindu cultures, men work to earn money for their families, whilst women take care of domestic chores. Children in these two cultures grow with a lot of parental care and attention. In the American culture, women work, and children grow in an independent manner, with less guidance from their parents.

Compare Cultural Values

The Hindu and Mexican cultures differ from the American culture. The United States is a secular nation, meaning that all the citizens enjoy equal rights, irrespective of their faiths. Most of the Indians share a single Hindu religion, while most of the Mexicans are Catholics. The Mexicans solely speak the Spanish language, while in the American culture, there is no language accepted as the national one. However, most of the states have adopted the use of the English language as their mode of communication. Movements, such as expressionism, post modernism and minimalism, shape the contemporary American art,. On the other hand, the contemporary Hindu and Mexican cultures are deeply rooted in their art traditions. For example, the three dimensional ceramics, embroider cotton garments, baskets originate from their traditional cultural beliefs.

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